Frederick County Land Records Index: 1786

The Frederick County Land Records Index is an index of land records for Frederick County, Maryland for the years of 1786 as found in Maryland State Archives microfilm roll #MSA CR 37, 534: #6.

214Adams, Josephindenture
114Addison, Henryreference
82Adlum, Johnindenture
19Agnew, Williamindenture
188Albaugh, Davidindenture
189Albaugh, Davidindenture
176Angel, John & Charlesindenture
537Apler, Jacobbond
100Arnold, Danielreference
60Audiss, Williamindenture
75Bailey, Mountjoyindenture
28Baker, Fredericindenture
141Baldwin, Danielreference
130Ballanger, Henryreference
129Ballanger, Williamdetermine land boundary
550Baltzel, Michael & Barbaraindenture
193Barnard, Robertindenture
526Bayer, Michaelindenture
82Beall, William Murdockindenture
63Beard, Peterindenture
120Beard, Peterindenture
62Beard, Peter  indenture
60Beard, Peter & Catharineindenture
61Beard, Peter & Catharineindenture
551Beard, Thomasindenture
127Beatty, Col. Williamdetermine land boundary
128Beatty, Col. Williamdetermine land boundary
538Beatty, Elijahindenture
198Beatty, Thomasreference
201Beatty, Thomasbond
136Beatty, Thomasindenture
195Beatty, Thomas Sr.indenture
180Belzer, Christopherindenture
221Bentley, Abnerindenture
525Bentley, Leviindenture
60Bentley, Williamindenture
61Bentley, Williamreference
135Bentz, Jacobreference
529Bickenbock, Casperreference
39Biggs, Johnindenture
49Blair, Samuelindenture
132Bohrer, Peterreference
133Bohrer, Peterreference
150Booth, Bartholomewreference
35Booth, William & Bartholomewindenture
551Bordley, Johnindenture
139Boyle, Danielindenture
217Brengle, Georgereference
125Brice, Johnreference
27Brimm, Henryqualified as deputy
57Brooke, Basilreference
68Brooke, Basilreference
211Brooke, Basilreference
204Brooke, Jamesreference
155Brooke, Johnreference
141Brooke, Raphaeldetermine land boundary
57Brooke, Raphael & James & Rogerindenture
68Brooke, Raphael & Roger & Janeindenture
211Brooke, Roger & Ann & Raphaelindenture
64Brooke, Thomasreference
537Brower, Emanuelreference
142Bruce, Normandreference
119Brunner, Elias & Elizabethindenture
51Brunner, George Peterindenture
82Brunner, Johnindenture
83Brunner, John & Eliasagreement
530Bucher, Johnindenture
537Bucke, Matthiasreference
111Burckhartt, Georgebill of sale
532Burgee, Thomasreference
103Burkett, Nathaniel & Catharineindenture
151Burns, Williamreference
148Butler, Josephindenture
117Buzzard, David & Catharineindenture
118Buzzard, David & Catharineindenture
84Byerly, Georgeindenture
11Caldwell, Samuelindenture
60Carmack, Williamindenture
108Carmack, William & Sarahindenture
141Carr, Jamesreference
17Carrick, Samuelindenture
56Carroll, Charlesindenture
116Carroll, Charlesreference
214Carroll, Nicholasreference
144Carver, Samuel Jr.indenture
203Case, Robert & Susannahindenture
4Cenceler, Georgeindenture
160Chamberlain, Johnreference
184Champer, Christian  reference
34Champer, Christian & Elizabethindenture
141Chance, Josephreference
196Chandlee, Georgearticles of agreement
196Chandlee, William & Maryreference
137Charlton, Thomasindenture
120Chase, Samuel  reference
9Chase, Samuel & Hannah Kittyindenture
542Chisholm, Johnbill of sale for slave
216Chisholm, Johnindenture
150Clagett, Rev. Thomas Johnindenture
220Clance, Charlesindenture
110Clary, Williamindenture
161Clyne, Jacobreference
537Coake, Henrybond
77Coale, Richardindenture
103Coale, Richardindenture
122Coale, Richardindenture
189Coale, Richardindenture
208Coale, Richardindenture
539Coale, Richardindenture
540Coale, Richardindenture
81Cochran, Jonathanindenture
88Cole, Richardindenture
180Cole, Richardindenture
188Cole, Richardreference
539Compher, Christianindenture
140Compton, Samuel & Johnbill of sale
121Cookerly, Johnindenture
141Coontz, Paulreference
141Coontz, Peterreference
141Cornell, Benjamindetermine land boundary
6Crabb, Raphaelreference
45Crabs, Christianbill of sale
141Crapster, Rulophreference
102Crawford, Davidindenture
555Crawford, David Sr.reference
105Crawford, Eliasindenture
555Crawford, Eliasreference
554Crawford, Elias & Maryindenture
105Crawford, Jamesreference
554Crawford, Jamesreference
555Crawford, Jamesreference
165Crawford, Margaret & Davidreference
210Crawford, Robert & Annindenture
195Creagar, Johnindenture
161Creagar, Michaelreference
60Creagar, Valentineindenture
195Crist, Jacobreference
134Crist, Michael  indenture
133Crist, Michael & Elizabethindenture
9Croas, Paulreference
7Cronise, Johnindenture
141Crouse, Feltyreference
6Crouse, Johnreference
141Crouse, Johnreference
141Crouse, Philipreference
546Cryder, Barbaraindenture
142Curran, Williamdetermine land boundary
177Dadisman, Matthiasindenture
127Dagan, Jacobdetermine land boundary
129Darnall, Henrydetermine land boundary
35Darnall, Johnreference
125Davis, Phineasreference
158Dawson, Nicholasbill of sale
31Deakins, William Jr. & Janeindenture
35Deakins, William Jr. & Janeindenture
148Dean, Robertindenture
187Deerdorff, Anthony & Maryindenture
74Dehoff, Nicholasindenture
159Delander, Davidreference
534Delany, Daniel  indenture
202Delany, Daniel Jr & Sr.reference
197Delany, Daniel Jr & Sr.reference
166Dell, Nicholasindenture
128Dern, Williamdetermine land boundary
128Devall, Lewisdetermine land boundary
55Devilbiss, Adam & Catharineindenture
194Devilbiss, Georgeemancipation of slave
127Dickensheets, Williamdetermine land boundary
72Dickson, George & Jamesindenture
53Dilloplain, Joshuaindenture
26Doan, Hezekiahindenture
115Dodd, Jamesreference
143Dodson, Josephindenture
210Dolbin, Nicholasreference
132Doll, Josephindenture
58Dornand, Frederickreference
123Dorsey, Basilreference
35Dorsey, Caleb & Johnreference
89Dorsey, Johnreference
123Dorsey, Johnindenture
86Dorsey, Williamdeed of trust
87Dudderer, Conradbill of sale
127Duderer, Conraddetermine land boundary
165Duglass, Thomas & Margaretindenture
75Dulany, Benjaminindenture
115Dulany, Danielreference
537Durbin, Thomasbond
90Dutterow, Balseriindenture
8Duvall, Gabrielindenture
115Duvall, Gabrielindenture
48Duvall, William Sr.indenture
532Duvall, William Sr. & Priscilla & Samuelindenture
533Duvall, William Sr. & Priscilla & William Jr.indenture
141Dyer, Josephreference
125Eccert, Samuelreference
4Eckiss, Johnindenture
141Eckiss, Johnreference
179Eckiss, Johnindenture
155Eckiss, John & Elizabethindenture
209Emmit, Samuel & Maryindenture
163Emmit, Samuel & William & Maryindenture
17Emmit, Williamindenture
19Emmit, Williamindenture
20Emmit, Williamindenture
21Emmit, Williamindenture
10Emmit, Williamindenture
11Emmit, Williamindenture
12Emmit, Williamindenture
13Emmit, Williamindenture
14Emmit, Williamindenture
14Emmit, Williamindenture
15Emmit, Williamindenture
16Emmit, Williamindenture
18Emmit, Williamindenture
22Emmit, Williamindenture
23Emmit, Williamindenture
24Emmit, Williamindenture
30Emmit, Williamindenture
49Emmit, Williamindenture
50Emmit, Williamindenture
65Emmit, Williamindenture
91Emmit, Williamindenture
164Emmit, Williamindenture
170Emmit, Williamindenture
172Emmit, Williamindenture
177England, Johnreference
146Eperd, Henryindenture
73Erb, Peter & Peter Jr.release of mortgage
544Erb, Peter Jr. & Christopherindenture
158Everhart, Christianbill of sale
98Everhart, Jacobindenture
141Farney, Thomasreference
156Fatzer, Philipbill of sale
157Fatzer, Philipbill of sale
115Faw, Abrahamindenture
107Feat, John Henryindenture
537Ferguson, Johnbond
142Ferguson, Samuel Jr.reference
161Firestone, Nicholasindenture
6Fisher, Adamindenture
83Fleming, Samuelagreement
100Flora, John & Maryindenture
61Fogle, Andrewindenture
62Fogle, Andrew & Catharineindenture
538Fogle, Frederickindenture
69Fogle, Michaelbill of sale
131Fope, Balserreference
142Forrest, Eppingreference
210Forrest, Wellsreference
192Fox, Balser  indenture
175Fox, Balser & Juliannaindenture
60Fox, Georgeindenture
64Fraser, Georgereference
543Fringer, Jacobarticles of agreement
9Funderberg, Danielindenture
70Galt/Gault, Mathewindenture
64Gantt, Doc. Thomasindenture
114Gantt, Thomasindenture
150Gantt, Thomas & Edward & Fielderindenture
531Gantt, Thomas & Fielderindenture
132Garnhart, Henryindenture
133Garnhart, Henryindenture
134Garnhart, Henry & Susannaindenture
197Garnhartt, Henryindenture
64Gaunt, Fielder  indenture
35Gaunt, Fielder & Edwardreference
82Gebhart, Johnindenture
206Geyer, Jacobindenture
215Gilpin, Williambill of sale for slave
6Good, Adamreference
209Good, Adamindenture
20Gordon, Danielindenture
171Gordon, Davidindenture
89Gough, Harry Dorseyrelease of mortgage
178Granadam, Francisindenture
3Graves, Priscillabill of sale
66Grimes, Martinindenture
53Grimes, William & Elizabethindenture
147Grosh, John Peterbill of sale for slave
195Groshonk, Mary & Eliasindenture
142Grosman, Benedictdetermine land boundary
104Gwinn, John Jr.indenture
141Gwinn, John Jr.determine land boundary
58Gwinner, Michaelreference
13Hakensmith, Conradindenture
185Hall, Williamindenture
177Hammond, Georgereference
218Hammond, Johnreference
86Hammond, Vachel & Johndeed of trust
75Hanson, Johnreference
116Harp, Joshua & Eleanorindenture
85Harrison, Johnbill of sale for slave
114Harrison, Johnindenture
105Hartle, Peterindenture
554Hartle, Peterindenture
555Hartle, Peterindenture
190Harvey, Davidindenture
128Hass, Maj. Abrahamdetermine land boundary
141Haus, Jacobreference
35Hawkins, George Frazerreference
131Hawman, Johnreference
192Hawman, Johnreference
547Hayter, Abrahamreference
155Hayton, Abrahamreference
40Head, Biggerindenture
537Heap, Estherbond
541Heckathorn, Georgereference
182Hedge, Joseph & Sarahindenture
71Hedges, Maryindenture
541Helman, Harmonindenture
183Her, Jonasindenture
141Herner, Christianreference
30Heughs, Jamesindenture
141Hill, Abrahamdetermine land boundary
141Hill, Barronreference
204Hill, Maryreference
141Hill, Richardreference
204Hill, Richard & Williamindenture
141Hill, Williamreference
95Hines, John & Charityindenture
48Hinkle, George & Achseyindenture
123Hobbs, Williamindenture
12Hockensmith, Jacobindenture
51Hockwater, Michaelreference
205Hockwerder, Michaelindenture
14Hoffman, Adamindenture
78Hoffman, Francisindenture
530Hoffman, Georgeindenture
528Hoffman, Georgeindenture
202Holliday, Clementreference
8Hollyday, Clementindenture
115Hollyday, Clementindenture
73Holmes, Thomasrelease of mortgage
168Holmes, Thomasindenture
95Holtzman, Frederickindenture
8Hoof, Johnreference
31Hook, Johnreference
142Horse, Jacobreference
159Houch, Johnindenture
78Hover, Leonard & Margaretindenture
36Howard, Ephraimindenture
86Howard, Ephraimdeed of trust
102Howard, Joshuaindenture
105Howard, Joshuareference
555Howard, Joshuaindenture
94Howard, Marthadeed of gift
93Howard, Peggy Youngdeed of gift
55Hoy, Nicholasindenture
80Hunt, Robertindenture
121Hyatt, Abednigo & Catharineindenture
141Hyter, Abrahamreference
529Iseminger, Adamindenture
110Israel, Johnindenture
190Jacob, Johnindenture
104Jameson, Robert & Janetindenture
164Jennings, Richardindenture
35Johns, Thomasindenture
83Johnson, B.agreement
82Johnson, Bakerindenture
83Johnson, Thomasagreement
116Johnson, Thomas & Honourindenture
3Jones, Jno. Haymd.bill of sale
58Jones, Joshua & Johnreference
115Jones, Maryreference
34Jones, Richardindenture
184Jones, Richardindenture
547Jones, Thomasindenture
179Keefer, Lewis & Margaretindenture
142Keefer, Ludwickreference
550Kephart, Johnindenture
141Kepploger, Baltzerreference
142Key, Francisreference
66Key, John Rossindenture
136Kimbol, Williamforced land sale
222King, Charlesindenture
202Kitweiler, Jacobindenture
142Konsler, Georgereference
119Kronise, Johnindenture
156Kropf, Elizabethbill of sale
205Lambrecht, Danielreference
127Landiss, Henrydetermine land boundary
92Larkins, James & Catharineindenture
206Leacat, Peter & Margaretindenture
87Lear, Henrybill of sale
100Leatherman, Christianreference
542Lett, Danielbill of sale for slave
119Level, Richreference
125Lin/funderlin, Michaelindenture
60Link, Adamindenture
141Link, Georgedetermine land boundary
553Linn, Philipbond
145Little, Josephindenture
208Little, Josephindenture
149Little, Joseph & Estherindenture
70Little, Peter & Elizabethindenture
141Logsdon, Johndetermine land boundary
141Long, Danielreference
126Long, Michaelbill of sale
181Longsworth, Peter & Elenorreference
181Longsworth, Solomon & Lucretiaindenture
528Longsworth, Solomon & Lucretiaindenture
109Lowry, Davidbill of sale for slave
135Lowry, David & Catharineindenture
31Lyeth, Samuelindenture
97Mackinzie, Eli & Margaretindenture
56Mackinzie, Henry & Danielindenture
213Mackinzie, Henry & Danielindenture
116Mackinzie, Mary & Elie & Henry & Danielindenture
107Main, John & Susannahindenture
135Mantz, Casper  reference
7Mantz, Casper & Christenaindenture
82Mantz, Peterindenture
111Mark, Thomasbill of sale
97Marker, Johnindenture
129Marshall, Jamesdetermine land boundary
547Martin, James & Maryindenture
129Matthews, Williamreference
54May, James & Maryindenture
548Maynard, Henryindenture
549Maynard, Henryindenture
141McAlister, Alexanderdetermine land boundary
82McCleary, Henryindenture
124McCune, Samuelindenture
141McCune, Samueldetermine land boundary
125McCune, Thomas Jr.reference
24McDanel, Margaretindenture
23McGorgon, Johnindenture
174McKinzey, David & Annaindenture
33McKinzey, Henry & Davidindenture
96McKinzey, Henry & Elizabethindenture
523McMin, Georgeindenture
32McMin, Robert & Sarahindenture
187Medsker, Valentineindenture
197Medtart, Jacobindenture
47Methard, Jacobindenture
199Mettert, Jacobindenture
182Michael, Georgeindenture
5Miller, Catherine & Davidindenture
113Miller, Isaacreference
541Miller, Jacob Jr & Rosenaindenture
126Miller, Johnbill of sale
155Miller, Johnindenture
141Miller, Peterdetermine land boundary
187Miller, Peterreference
531Miller, Peterreference
109Misell, Casperbill of sale for slave
2Misell, Frederickindenture
29Misell, Frederickindenture
33Mooney, Richardindenture
147Morris, Jonathanbill of sale for slave
84Mort, Matthias & Elizabethindenture
184Mountford, Jamesindenture
82Murdock, Georgeindenture
203Murphy, Williamindenture
1Musgrove, Benjaminassignment
86Musgrove, Benjamindeed of trust
146Musgrove, Benjaminindenture
135Myer, Casperreference
159Myers, Jacob & Lydiaindenture
531Myers, Josephindenture
83Neave, Henryreference
175Nebergall, Jacobindenture
117Neff, Davidindenture
54Neill, Johnindenture
79Nixenforff, Samuelindenture
216Noland, Thomasreference
108Norris, Benjaminindenture
88Nowland/Noland, Michaelindenture
141Null, Feltyreference
141Null, Windlereference
199Ollix, Michaelreference
200Ollix, Michaelindenture
217Ott, Michaelindenture
535Ounger, Henryreference
80Ovelman, Georgeindenture
76Owen, Robertindenture
218Owen, Robertreference
165Owings, Richardindenture
546Painter, Peterindenture
547Park, Andrewreference
535Paxton, Williamreference
144Peagle, Abrahartindenture
142Peapple, Williamdetermine land boundary
6Pebble, Williamindenture
162Pepple, Johnindenture
25Phillips, Johnindenture
141Plott, Henrydetermine land boundary
129Plummer, Josephdetermine land boundary
82Potts, Richardindenture
29Potts, Richard  indenture
2Potts, Richard & Elizabethindenture
67Pousmanin, Mary Magdalenabill of sale
200Price, Col. Thomasindenture
129Price, Thomasdetermine land boundary
199Price, Thomasindenture
216Ramsbergh, Georgereference
128Ramsbergh, Stevendetermine land boundary
83Ramsburgh, Stephen & Johnagreement
202Ramsey, Nathanielreference
101Rankle, Jacobindenture
545Ray, Nicholasbill of sale for slave
136Raymer, Michaelreference
141Rease, Johnreference
14Reed, Patrickindenture
83Reynolds, Hughagreement
131Reynolds, Hughindenture
524Reynolds, Thomasindenture
536Rice, Jacobindenture
129Richardson, Richarddetermine land boundary
39Richford, Thomasreference
212Riddlemoser, Michaelindenture
90Ridenhour, Jacobindenture
5Ridge, William & Benjaminindenture
214Ridgely, Charles & John  reference
99Ridgely, Charles & John & Rebeckahindenture
216Ridgely, Richardindenture
67Riplin, Philipienabill of sale
1Ritchie, Abnerassignment
198Ritchie, Johndeputy clerk
82Ritchie, Maryreference
37Roberts, Williamindenture
16Robinson, Charlesindenture
139Robison, John & Maryindenture
218Roe, Millerreference
92Rogers, Johnindenture
15Rogers, Johnindenture
50Rogers, Johnindenture
112Rose, Jacobindenture
25Rosensteel, George & Susannaindenture
10Row, Michaelindenture
131Russ, Adamreference
552Saip, Paul & Maryindenture
214Saum, Peterreference
83Schley, George Jacobagreement
534Schley, John Jacobindenture
51Schley, Thomasindenture
52Schley, Thomas & George Thomasbill of sale
217Schley, Thomas & Margaretindenture
210Scott, Capt. Hughreference
527Scott, Georgeindenture
218Scott, Georgereference
125Sell, Anthonyreference
154Shaaff, Casper & Aliceindenture
153Shaaff, Casper & Marybill of sale for slave
152Shaaff, John Thomas & Casperbill of sale for slave
151Shaaff, John Thomas & Casperindenture
191Sharrah, Augustusindenture
58Shearman, Jacobindenture
59Shearman, Jacobbill of sale
47Sheenholtz, Frederick & Margaretindenture
545Shekell, Abrahambill of sale for slave
79Shell, Charlesindenture
113Shell/Schell, Henry & Margaret & Maryindenture
151Shellman, Johnreference
86Sheredine, Uptondeed of trust
536Shoemaker, Bartholomewindenture
96Shoemaker, Peterindenture
537Shonamore, Philipreference
75Shriner, Valentinereference
213Shriver, Davidindenture
535Shroger, Matthiasindenture
179Shroyer, Matthiasindenture
160Shull, Stephenindenture
114Sim, Josephindenture
540Simpson, Richardindenture
58Singefelter, Peter & Feltyreference
535Sipe, Georgeindenture
535Sipe, George Michaelreference
172Sluss, Johnindenture
38Smith, Amosindenture
39Smith, Amosreference
42Smith, Amosreference
45Smith, Christianbill of sale
32Smith, Christianindenture
149Smith, Christianindenture
145Smith, Christian & Applonerindenture
138Smith, Henry  indenture
118Smith, Henry Jr.indenture
186Smith, Jamesbond
85Smith, Jamesbill of sale for slave
218Smith, Jamesindenture
194Smith, James & Peter & Susanindenture
18Smith, Michaelindenture
28Smith, Philip & Magdalenindenture
60Smith, Philip Jrindenture
186Smith, Richardbond
218Smith, Williamreference
543Sombrode, Johnarticles of agreement
207Sook, Henryindenture
58Stams, Georgereference
168Standsbary, Williamindenture
191Sterling, Williamindenture
105Stevenson, Edwardreference
35Stewart, Adamindenture
82Stiener, Jacobindenture
173Stoner, David & Johnbond
128Stoner, Jacobreference
173Stoner, Jacobreference
83Stoner, Johnagreement
204Stout, Estherreference
151Stricker, Georgereference
36Stripe, Jacobindenture
8Swan, Johnreference
553Swearingon, Samuelbond
218Swearingon, Samuelindenture
138Swinehart, Gabriel & Estherindenture
169Swinehart, Peter & Maryindenture
58Switzer, Johnindenture
59Switzer, Johnbill of sale
174Swope, Benedictreference
214Swope, Benedictindenture
100Tabel, Johnindenture
196Talbott, Benjaminarticles of agreement
141Taney, Josephdetermine land boundary
174Tauney, Frederickindenture
161Taylor, Thomas & Colabindenture
64Templing, Samuelindenture
205Tertzbach, Georgereference
202Tertzbach, Peterindenture
197Tertzbach, Peterindenture
205Tertzbach, Peter & Margaretindenture
162Tetur, Jacobindenture
154Thomas, Philipindenture
136Thomas, Williamindenture
137Thomas, Williamindenture
57Thompson, James Brooke & William & Mary Henindenture
81Thompson, Johnindenture
76Tomlinson, Jesseindenture
169Troutman, Michaelindenture
170Troxsel, Johnindenture
171Troxsel, Johnindenture
212Uhl, Michael & Maryindenture
173Upstead, Nicholasreference
151Vanmetre, Johnreference
69Waggoner, Johnbill of sale
537Waggoner, Johnbond
135Walters, Peterindenture
99Warner, Peterindenture
178Warner, Peterindenture
139Watson, Patrickreference
21Web, Johnindenture
552Weller, John  indenture
219Weller, John Jr. & Magdalene & Jacobindenture
537Wells, Jamesbond
210Wells, Joseph  indenture
167Wells, Joseph & Margaretdeed of gift
215Wheatley, Cassandiabill of sale for slave
157Whipp, Josephbill of sale
25Whitehair, Georgereference
122Whiteneck, Elizabethindenture
65Whitmore, Johnindenture
548Wilds, Georgeindenture
549Wilds, Georgeindenture
41Wilson, Maryreference
44Wilson, Mary & James & Thomasindenture
40Wilson, Michaelreference
37Wilson, Thomasindenture
38Wilson, Thomas & Elizabethindenture
39Wilson, Thomas & Elizabethindenture
40Wilson, Thomas & Elizabethindenture
43Wilson, Thomas & Elizabeth & Maryindenture
72Wilson, Thomas & Jamesindenture
42Wilson, Thomas & Joseph & Elizabethindenture
41Wilson, Thomas & Michael & Elizabethindenture
177Winchester, William Sr.reference
9Winholtz, Frederickreference
74Winter, Georgeindenture
160Winters, Eveindenture
77Wirns, Jacobindenture
83Wolfe, Peteragreement
177Woner, Peter Sr.indenture
46Wood, Colo. Josephplan of Woodsberry Town
127Wood, Colo. Josephdetermine land boundary
195Wood, Joseph  reference
526Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
527Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
63Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
71Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
120Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
131Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
192Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
193Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
207Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
220Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
221Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
222Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
223Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
524Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
525Wood, Joseph & Annindenture
60Wood, Robertindenture
185Wood, Williamindenture
22Wrench, Robertindenture
120Yandiss, Danielindenture
98Yeast, George & Elizabethindenture
166Yingling, Johnindenture
183Young, Jeaneindenture
93Young, Johndeed of gift
26Young, Johnindenture
34Young, Johnreference
88Young, Johnindenture
94Young, Johndeed of gift
106Young, Johnplan of Liberty Town
143Young, Johnindenture
188Young, Johnindenture
539Young, Johnindenture
540Young, Johnindenture
116Young, Joshua & Orphayindenture
112Young, Lodowickindenture
181Young, Philipindenture
529Youtsey, John & Juliannaindenture
101Zacharias, Daniel & Jacob & Elizabethindenture
82Zealer, Henryindenture
553Zimmerman, Georgebond

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