The Frederick County Land Records Index is an index of land records for Frederick County, Maryland for the years of 1786 as found in Maryland State Archives microfilm roll #MSA CR 37, 534: #6.
Number | Name | Type |
214 | Adams, Joseph | indenture |
114 | Addison, Henry | reference |
82 | Adlum, John | indenture |
19 | Agnew, William | indenture |
188 | Albaugh, David | indenture |
189 | Albaugh, David | indenture |
176 | Angel, John & Charles | indenture |
537 | Apler, Jacob | bond |
100 | Arnold, Daniel | reference |
60 | Audiss, William | indenture |
75 | Bailey, Mountjoy | indenture |
28 | Baker, Frederic | indenture |
141 | Baldwin, Daniel | reference |
130 | Ballanger, Henry | reference |
129 | Ballanger, William | determine land boundary |
550 | Baltzel, Michael & Barbara | indenture |
193 | Barnard, Robert | indenture |
526 | Bayer, Michael | indenture |
82 | Beall, William Murdock | indenture |
63 | Beard, Peter | indenture |
120 | Beard, Peter | indenture |
62 | Beard, Peter | indenture |
60 | Beard, Peter & Catharine | indenture |
61 | Beard, Peter & Catharine | indenture |
551 | Beard, Thomas | indenture |
127 | Beatty, Col. William | determine land boundary |
128 | Beatty, Col. William | determine land boundary |
538 | Beatty, Elijah | indenture |
198 | Beatty, Thomas | reference |
201 | Beatty, Thomas | bond |
136 | Beatty, Thomas | indenture |
195 | Beatty, Thomas Sr. | indenture |
180 | Belzer, Christopher | indenture |
221 | Bentley, Abner | indenture |
525 | Bentley, Levi | indenture |
60 | Bentley, William | indenture |
61 | Bentley, William | reference |
135 | Bentz, Jacob | reference |
529 | Bickenbock, Casper | reference |
39 | Biggs, John | indenture |
49 | Blair, Samuel | indenture |
132 | Bohrer, Peter | reference |
133 | Bohrer, Peter | reference |
150 | Booth, Bartholomew | reference |
35 | Booth, William & Bartholomew | indenture |
551 | Bordley, John | indenture |
139 | Boyle, Daniel | indenture |
217 | Brengle, George | reference |
125 | Brice, John | reference |
27 | Brimm, Henry | qualified as deputy |
57 | Brooke, Basil | reference |
68 | Brooke, Basil | reference |
211 | Brooke, Basil | reference |
204 | Brooke, James | reference |
155 | Brooke, John | reference |
141 | Brooke, Raphael | determine land boundary |
57 | Brooke, Raphael & James & Roger | indenture |
68 | Brooke, Raphael & Roger & Jane | indenture |
211 | Brooke, Roger & Ann & Raphael | indenture |
64 | Brooke, Thomas | reference |
537 | Brower, Emanuel | reference |
142 | Bruce, Normand | reference |
119 | Brunner, Elias & Elizabeth | indenture |
51 | Brunner, George Peter | indenture |
82 | Brunner, John | indenture |
83 | Brunner, John & Elias | agreement |
530 | Bucher, John | indenture |
537 | Bucke, Matthias | reference |
111 | Burckhartt, George | bill of sale |
532 | Burgee, Thomas | reference |
103 | Burkett, Nathaniel & Catharine | indenture |
151 | Burns, William | reference |
148 | Butler, Joseph | indenture |
117 | Buzzard, David & Catharine | indenture |
118 | Buzzard, David & Catharine | indenture |
84 | Byerly, George | indenture |
11 | Caldwell, Samuel | indenture |
60 | Carmack, William | indenture |
108 | Carmack, William & Sarah | indenture |
141 | Carr, James | reference |
17 | Carrick, Samuel | indenture |
56 | Carroll, Charles | indenture |
116 | Carroll, Charles | reference |
214 | Carroll, Nicholas | reference |
144 | Carver, Samuel Jr. | indenture |
203 | Case, Robert & Susannah | indenture |
4 | Cenceler, George | indenture |
160 | Chamberlain, John | reference |
184 | Champer, Christian | reference |
34 | Champer, Christian & Elizabeth | indenture |
141 | Chance, Joseph | reference |
196 | Chandlee, George | articles of agreement |
196 | Chandlee, William & Mary | reference |
137 | Charlton, Thomas | indenture |
120 | Chase, Samuel | reference |
9 | Chase, Samuel & Hannah Kitty | indenture |
542 | Chisholm, John | bill of sale for slave |
216 | Chisholm, John | indenture |
150 | Clagett, Rev. Thomas John | indenture |
220 | Clance, Charles | indenture |
110 | Clary, William | indenture |
161 | Clyne, Jacob | reference |
537 | Coake, Henry | bond |
77 | Coale, Richard | indenture |
103 | Coale, Richard | indenture |
122 | Coale, Richard | indenture |
189 | Coale, Richard | indenture |
208 | Coale, Richard | indenture |
539 | Coale, Richard | indenture |
540 | Coale, Richard | indenture |
81 | Cochran, Jonathan | indenture |
88 | Cole, Richard | indenture |
180 | Cole, Richard | indenture |
188 | Cole, Richard | reference |
539 | Compher, Christian | indenture |
140 | Compton, Samuel & John | bill of sale |
121 | Cookerly, John | indenture |
141 | Coontz, Paul | reference |
141 | Coontz, Peter | reference |
141 | Cornell, Benjamin | determine land boundary |
6 | Crabb, Raphael | reference |
45 | Crabs, Christian | bill of sale |
141 | Crapster, Ruloph | reference |
102 | Crawford, David | indenture |
555 | Crawford, David Sr. | reference |
105 | Crawford, Elias | indenture |
555 | Crawford, Elias | reference |
554 | Crawford, Elias & Mary | indenture |
105 | Crawford, James | reference |
554 | Crawford, James | reference |
555 | Crawford, James | reference |
165 | Crawford, Margaret & David | reference |
210 | Crawford, Robert & Ann | indenture |
195 | Creagar, John | indenture |
161 | Creagar, Michael | reference |
60 | Creagar, Valentine | indenture |
195 | Crist, Jacob | reference |
134 | Crist, Michael | indenture |
133 | Crist, Michael & Elizabeth | indenture |
9 | Croas, Paul | reference |
7 | Cronise, John | indenture |
141 | Crouse, Felty | reference |
6 | Crouse, John | reference |
141 | Crouse, John | reference |
141 | Crouse, Philip | reference |
546 | Cryder, Barbara | indenture |
142 | Curran, William | determine land boundary |
177 | Dadisman, Matthias | indenture |
127 | Dagan, Jacob | determine land boundary |
129 | Darnall, Henry | determine land boundary |
35 | Darnall, John | reference |
125 | Davis, Phineas | reference |
158 | Dawson, Nicholas | bill of sale |
31 | Deakins, William Jr. & Jane | indenture |
35 | Deakins, William Jr. & Jane | indenture |
148 | Dean, Robert | indenture |
187 | Deerdorff, Anthony & Mary | indenture |
74 | Dehoff, Nicholas | indenture |
159 | Delander, David | reference |
534 | Delany, Daniel | indenture |
202 | Delany, Daniel Jr & Sr. | reference |
197 | Delany, Daniel Jr & Sr. | reference |
166 | Dell, Nicholas | indenture |
128 | Dern, William | determine land boundary |
128 | Devall, Lewis | determine land boundary |
55 | Devilbiss, Adam & Catharine | indenture |
194 | Devilbiss, George | emancipation of slave |
127 | Dickensheets, William | determine land boundary |
72 | Dickson, George & James | indenture |
53 | Dilloplain, Joshua | indenture |
26 | Doan, Hezekiah | indenture |
115 | Dodd, James | reference |
143 | Dodson, Joseph | indenture |
210 | Dolbin, Nicholas | reference |
132 | Doll, Joseph | indenture |
58 | Dornand, Frederick | reference |
123 | Dorsey, Basil | reference |
35 | Dorsey, Caleb & John | reference |
89 | Dorsey, John | reference |
123 | Dorsey, John | indenture |
86 | Dorsey, William | deed of trust |
87 | Dudderer, Conrad | bill of sale |
127 | Duderer, Conrad | determine land boundary |
165 | Duglass, Thomas & Margaret | indenture |
75 | Dulany, Benjamin | indenture |
115 | Dulany, Daniel | reference |
537 | Durbin, Thomas | bond |
90 | Dutterow, Balseri | indenture |
8 | Duvall, Gabriel | indenture |
115 | Duvall, Gabriel | indenture |
48 | Duvall, William Sr. | indenture |
532 | Duvall, William Sr. & Priscilla & Samuel | indenture |
533 | Duvall, William Sr. & Priscilla & William Jr. | indenture |
141 | Dyer, Joseph | reference |
125 | Eccert, Samuel | reference |
4 | Eckiss, John | indenture |
141 | Eckiss, John | reference |
179 | Eckiss, John | indenture |
155 | Eckiss, John & Elizabeth | indenture |
209 | Emmit, Samuel & Mary | indenture |
163 | Emmit, Samuel & William & Mary | indenture |
17 | Emmit, William | indenture |
19 | Emmit, William | indenture |
20 | Emmit, William | indenture |
21 | Emmit, William | indenture |
10 | Emmit, William | indenture |
11 | Emmit, William | indenture |
12 | Emmit, William | indenture |
13 | Emmit, William | indenture |
14 | Emmit, William | indenture |
14 | Emmit, William | indenture |
15 | Emmit, William | indenture |
16 | Emmit, William | indenture |
18 | Emmit, William | indenture |
22 | Emmit, William | indenture |
23 | Emmit, William | indenture |
24 | Emmit, William | indenture |
30 | Emmit, William | indenture |
49 | Emmit, William | indenture |
50 | Emmit, William | indenture |
65 | Emmit, William | indenture |
91 | Emmit, William | indenture |
164 | Emmit, William | indenture |
170 | Emmit, William | indenture |
172 | Emmit, William | indenture |
177 | England, John | reference |
146 | Eperd, Henry | indenture |
73 | Erb, Peter & Peter Jr. | release of mortgage |
544 | Erb, Peter Jr. & Christopher | indenture |
158 | Everhart, Christian | bill of sale |
98 | Everhart, Jacob | indenture |
141 | Farney, Thomas | reference |
156 | Fatzer, Philip | bill of sale |
157 | Fatzer, Philip | bill of sale |
115 | Faw, Abraham | indenture |
107 | Feat, John Henry | indenture |
537 | Ferguson, John | bond |
142 | Ferguson, Samuel Jr. | reference |
161 | Firestone, Nicholas | indenture |
6 | Fisher, Adam | indenture |
83 | Fleming, Samuel | agreement |
100 | Flora, John & Mary | indenture |
61 | Fogle, Andrew | indenture |
62 | Fogle, Andrew & Catharine | indenture |
538 | Fogle, Frederick | indenture |
69 | Fogle, Michael | bill of sale |
131 | Fope, Balser | reference |
142 | Forrest, Epping | reference |
210 | Forrest, Wells | reference |
192 | Fox, Balser | indenture |
175 | Fox, Balser & Julianna | indenture |
60 | Fox, George | indenture |
64 | Fraser, George | reference |
543 | Fringer, Jacob | articles of agreement |
9 | Funderberg, Daniel | indenture |
70 | Galt/Gault, Mathew | indenture |
64 | Gantt, Doc. Thomas | indenture |
114 | Gantt, Thomas | indenture |
150 | Gantt, Thomas & Edward & Fielder | indenture |
531 | Gantt, Thomas & Fielder | indenture |
132 | Garnhart, Henry | indenture |
133 | Garnhart, Henry | indenture |
134 | Garnhart, Henry & Susanna | indenture |
197 | Garnhartt, Henry | indenture |
64 | Gaunt, Fielder | indenture |
35 | Gaunt, Fielder & Edward | reference |
82 | Gebhart, John | indenture |
206 | Geyer, Jacob | indenture |
215 | Gilpin, William | bill of sale for slave |
6 | Good, Adam | reference |
209 | Good, Adam | indenture |
20 | Gordon, Daniel | indenture |
171 | Gordon, David | indenture |
89 | Gough, Harry Dorsey | release of mortgage |
178 | Granadam, Francis | indenture |
3 | Graves, Priscilla | bill of sale |
66 | Grimes, Martin | indenture |
53 | Grimes, William & Elizabeth | indenture |
147 | Grosh, John Peter | bill of sale for slave |
195 | Groshonk, Mary & Elias | indenture |
142 | Grosman, Benedict | determine land boundary |
104 | Gwinn, John Jr. | indenture |
141 | Gwinn, John Jr. | determine land boundary |
58 | Gwinner, Michael | reference |
13 | Hakensmith, Conrad | indenture |
185 | Hall, William | indenture |
177 | Hammond, George | reference |
218 | Hammond, John | reference |
86 | Hammond, Vachel & John | deed of trust |
75 | Hanson, John | reference |
116 | Harp, Joshua & Eleanor | indenture |
85 | Harrison, John | bill of sale for slave |
114 | Harrison, John | indenture |
105 | Hartle, Peter | indenture |
554 | Hartle, Peter | indenture |
555 | Hartle, Peter | indenture |
190 | Harvey, David | indenture |
128 | Hass, Maj. Abraham | determine land boundary |
141 | Haus, Jacob | reference |
35 | Hawkins, George Frazer | reference |
131 | Hawman, John | reference |
192 | Hawman, John | reference |
547 | Hayter, Abraham | reference |
155 | Hayton, Abraham | reference |
40 | Head, Bigger | indenture |
537 | Heap, Esther | bond |
541 | Heckathorn, George | reference |
182 | Hedge, Joseph & Sarah | indenture |
71 | Hedges, Mary | indenture |
541 | Helman, Harmon | indenture |
183 | Her, Jonas | indenture |
141 | Herner, Christian | reference |
30 | Heughs, James | indenture |
141 | Hill, Abraham | determine land boundary |
141 | Hill, Barron | reference |
204 | Hill, Mary | reference |
141 | Hill, Richard | reference |
204 | Hill, Richard & William | indenture |
141 | Hill, William | reference |
95 | Hines, John & Charity | indenture |
48 | Hinkle, George & Achsey | indenture |
123 | Hobbs, William | indenture |
12 | Hockensmith, Jacob | indenture |
51 | Hockwater, Michael | reference |
205 | Hockwerder, Michael | indenture |
14 | Hoffman, Adam | indenture |
78 | Hoffman, Francis | indenture |
530 | Hoffman, George | indenture |
528 | Hoffman, George | indenture |
202 | Holliday, Clement | reference |
8 | Hollyday, Clement | indenture |
115 | Hollyday, Clement | indenture |
73 | Holmes, Thomas | release of mortgage |
168 | Holmes, Thomas | indenture |
95 | Holtzman, Frederick | indenture |
8 | Hoof, John | reference |
31 | Hook, John | reference |
142 | Horse, Jacob | reference |
159 | Houch, John | indenture |
78 | Hover, Leonard & Margaret | indenture |
36 | Howard, Ephraim | indenture |
86 | Howard, Ephraim | deed of trust |
102 | Howard, Joshua | indenture |
105 | Howard, Joshua | reference |
555 | Howard, Joshua | indenture |
94 | Howard, Martha | deed of gift |
93 | Howard, Peggy Young | deed of gift |
55 | Hoy, Nicholas | indenture |
80 | Hunt, Robert | indenture |
121 | Hyatt, Abednigo & Catharine | indenture |
141 | Hyter, Abraham | reference |
529 | Iseminger, Adam | indenture |
110 | Israel, John | indenture |
190 | Jacob, John | indenture |
104 | Jameson, Robert & Janet | indenture |
164 | Jennings, Richard | indenture |
35 | Johns, Thomas | indenture |
83 | Johnson, B. | agreement |
82 | Johnson, Baker | indenture |
83 | Johnson, Thomas | agreement |
116 | Johnson, Thomas & Honour | indenture |
3 | Jones, Jno. Haymd. | bill of sale |
58 | Jones, Joshua & John | reference |
115 | Jones, Mary | reference |
34 | Jones, Richard | indenture |
184 | Jones, Richard | indenture |
547 | Jones, Thomas | indenture |
179 | Keefer, Lewis & Margaret | indenture |
142 | Keefer, Ludwick | reference |
550 | Kephart, John | indenture |
141 | Kepploger, Baltzer | reference |
142 | Key, Francis | reference |
66 | Key, John Ross | indenture |
136 | Kimbol, William | forced land sale |
222 | King, Charles | indenture |
202 | Kitweiler, Jacob | indenture |
142 | Konsler, George | reference |
119 | Kronise, John | indenture |
156 | Kropf, Elizabeth | bill of sale |
205 | Lambrecht, Daniel | reference |
127 | Landiss, Henry | determine land boundary |
92 | Larkins, James & Catharine | indenture |
206 | Leacat, Peter & Margaret | indenture |
87 | Lear, Henry | bill of sale |
100 | Leatherman, Christian | reference |
542 | Lett, Daniel | bill of sale for slave |
119 | Level, Rich | reference |
125 | Lin/funderlin, Michael | indenture |
60 | Link, Adam | indenture |
141 | Link, George | determine land boundary |
553 | Linn, Philip | bond |
145 | Little, Joseph | indenture |
208 | Little, Joseph | indenture |
149 | Little, Joseph & Esther | indenture |
70 | Little, Peter & Elizabeth | indenture |
141 | Logsdon, John | determine land boundary |
141 | Long, Daniel | reference |
126 | Long, Michael | bill of sale |
181 | Longsworth, Peter & Elenor | reference |
181 | Longsworth, Solomon & Lucretia | indenture |
528 | Longsworth, Solomon & Lucretia | indenture |
109 | Lowry, David | bill of sale for slave |
135 | Lowry, David & Catharine | indenture |
31 | Lyeth, Samuel | indenture |
97 | Mackinzie, Eli & Margaret | indenture |
56 | Mackinzie, Henry & Daniel | indenture |
213 | Mackinzie, Henry & Daniel | indenture |
116 | Mackinzie, Mary & Elie & Henry & Daniel | indenture |
107 | Main, John & Susannah | indenture |
135 | Mantz, Casper | reference |
7 | Mantz, Casper & Christena | indenture |
82 | Mantz, Peter | indenture |
111 | Mark, Thomas | bill of sale |
97 | Marker, John | indenture |
129 | Marshall, James | determine land boundary |
547 | Martin, James & Mary | indenture |
129 | Matthews, William | reference |
54 | May, James & Mary | indenture |
548 | Maynard, Henry | indenture |
549 | Maynard, Henry | indenture |
141 | McAlister, Alexander | determine land boundary |
82 | McCleary, Henry | indenture |
124 | McCune, Samuel | indenture |
141 | McCune, Samuel | determine land boundary |
125 | McCune, Thomas Jr. | reference |
24 | McDanel, Margaret | indenture |
23 | McGorgon, John | indenture |
174 | McKinzey, David & Anna | indenture |
33 | McKinzey, Henry & David | indenture |
96 | McKinzey, Henry & Elizabeth | indenture |
523 | McMin, George | indenture |
32 | McMin, Robert & Sarah | indenture |
187 | Medsker, Valentine | indenture |
197 | Medtart, Jacob | indenture |
47 | Methard, Jacob | indenture |
199 | Mettert, Jacob | indenture |
182 | Michael, George | indenture |
5 | Miller, Catherine & David | indenture |
113 | Miller, Isaac | reference |
541 | Miller, Jacob Jr & Rosena | indenture |
126 | Miller, John | bill of sale |
155 | Miller, John | indenture |
141 | Miller, Peter | determine land boundary |
187 | Miller, Peter | reference |
531 | Miller, Peter | reference |
109 | Misell, Casper | bill of sale for slave |
2 | Misell, Frederick | indenture |
29 | Misell, Frederick | indenture |
33 | Mooney, Richard | indenture |
147 | Morris, Jonathan | bill of sale for slave |
84 | Mort, Matthias & Elizabeth | indenture |
184 | Mountford, James | indenture |
82 | Murdock, George | indenture |
203 | Murphy, William | indenture |
1 | Musgrove, Benjamin | assignment |
86 | Musgrove, Benjamin | deed of trust |
146 | Musgrove, Benjamin | indenture |
135 | Myer, Casper | reference |
159 | Myers, Jacob & Lydia | indenture |
531 | Myers, Joseph | indenture |
83 | Neave, Henry | reference |
175 | Nebergall, Jacob | indenture |
117 | Neff, David | indenture |
54 | Neill, John | indenture |
79 | Nixenforff, Samuel | indenture |
216 | Noland, Thomas | reference |
108 | Norris, Benjamin | indenture |
88 | Nowland/Noland, Michael | indenture |
141 | Null, Felty | reference |
141 | Null, Windle | reference |
199 | Ollix, Michael | reference |
200 | Ollix, Michael | indenture |
217 | Ott, Michael | indenture |
535 | Ounger, Henry | reference |
80 | Ovelman, George | indenture |
76 | Owen, Robert | indenture |
218 | Owen, Robert | reference |
165 | Owings, Richard | indenture |
546 | Painter, Peter | indenture |
547 | Park, Andrew | reference |
535 | Paxton, William | reference |
144 | Peagle, Abrahart | indenture |
142 | Peapple, William | determine land boundary |
6 | Pebble, William | indenture |
162 | Pepple, John | indenture |
25 | Phillips, John | indenture |
141 | Plott, Henry | determine land boundary |
129 | Plummer, Joseph | determine land boundary |
82 | Potts, Richard | indenture |
29 | Potts, Richard | indenture |
2 | Potts, Richard & Elizabeth | indenture |
67 | Pousmanin, Mary Magdalena | bill of sale |
200 | Price, Col. Thomas | indenture |
129 | Price, Thomas | determine land boundary |
199 | Price, Thomas | indenture |
216 | Ramsbergh, George | reference |
128 | Ramsbergh, Steven | determine land boundary |
83 | Ramsburgh, Stephen & John | agreement |
202 | Ramsey, Nathaniel | reference |
101 | Rankle, Jacob | indenture |
545 | Ray, Nicholas | bill of sale for slave |
136 | Raymer, Michael | reference |
141 | Rease, John | reference |
14 | Reed, Patrick | indenture |
83 | Reynolds, Hugh | agreement |
131 | Reynolds, Hugh | indenture |
524 | Reynolds, Thomas | indenture |
536 | Rice, Jacob | indenture |
129 | Richardson, Richard | determine land boundary |
39 | Richford, Thomas | reference |
212 | Riddlemoser, Michael | indenture |
90 | Ridenhour, Jacob | indenture |
5 | Ridge, William & Benjamin | indenture |
214 | Ridgely, Charles & John | reference |
99 | Ridgely, Charles & John & Rebeckah | indenture |
216 | Ridgely, Richard | indenture |
67 | Riplin, Philipiena | bill of sale |
1 | Ritchie, Abner | assignment |
198 | Ritchie, John | deputy clerk |
82 | Ritchie, Mary | reference |
37 | Roberts, William | indenture |
16 | Robinson, Charles | indenture |
139 | Robison, John & Mary | indenture |
218 | Roe, Miller | reference |
92 | Rogers, John | indenture |
15 | Rogers, John | indenture |
50 | Rogers, John | indenture |
112 | Rose, Jacob | indenture |
25 | Rosensteel, George & Susanna | indenture |
10 | Row, Michael | indenture |
131 | Russ, Adam | reference |
552 | Saip, Paul & Mary | indenture |
214 | Saum, Peter | reference |
83 | Schley, George Jacob | agreement |
534 | Schley, John Jacob | indenture |
51 | Schley, Thomas | indenture |
52 | Schley, Thomas & George Thomas | bill of sale |
217 | Schley, Thomas & Margaret | indenture |
210 | Scott, Capt. Hugh | reference |
527 | Scott, George | indenture |
218 | Scott, George | reference |
125 | Sell, Anthony | reference |
154 | Shaaff, Casper & Alice | indenture |
153 | Shaaff, Casper & Mary | bill of sale for slave |
152 | Shaaff, John Thomas & Casper | bill of sale for slave |
151 | Shaaff, John Thomas & Casper | indenture |
191 | Sharrah, Augustus | indenture |
58 | Shearman, Jacob | indenture |
59 | Shearman, Jacob | bill of sale |
47 | Sheenholtz, Frederick & Margaret | indenture |
545 | Shekell, Abraham | bill of sale for slave |
79 | Shell, Charles | indenture |
113 | Shell/Schell, Henry & Margaret & Mary | indenture |
151 | Shellman, John | reference |
86 | Sheredine, Upton | deed of trust |
536 | Shoemaker, Bartholomew | indenture |
96 | Shoemaker, Peter | indenture |
537 | Shonamore, Philip | reference |
75 | Shriner, Valentine | reference |
213 | Shriver, David | indenture |
535 | Shroger, Matthias | indenture |
179 | Shroyer, Matthias | indenture |
160 | Shull, Stephen | indenture |
114 | Sim, Joseph | indenture |
540 | Simpson, Richard | indenture |
58 | Singefelter, Peter & Felty | reference |
535 | Sipe, George | indenture |
535 | Sipe, George Michael | reference |
172 | Sluss, John | indenture |
38 | Smith, Amos | indenture |
39 | Smith, Amos | reference |
42 | Smith, Amos | reference |
45 | Smith, Christian | bill of sale |
32 | Smith, Christian | indenture |
149 | Smith, Christian | indenture |
145 | Smith, Christian & Apploner | indenture |
138 | Smith, Henry | indenture |
118 | Smith, Henry Jr. | indenture |
186 | Smith, James | bond |
85 | Smith, James | bill of sale for slave |
218 | Smith, James | indenture |
194 | Smith, James & Peter & Susan | indenture |
18 | Smith, Michael | indenture |
28 | Smith, Philip & Magdalen | indenture |
60 | Smith, Philip Jr | indenture |
186 | Smith, Richard | bond |
218 | Smith, William | reference |
543 | Sombrode, John | articles of agreement |
207 | Sook, Henry | indenture |
58 | Stams, George | reference |
168 | Standsbary, William | indenture |
191 | Sterling, William | indenture |
105 | Stevenson, Edward | reference |
35 | Stewart, Adam | indenture |
82 | Stiener, Jacob | indenture |
173 | Stoner, David & John | bond |
128 | Stoner, Jacob | reference |
173 | Stoner, Jacob | reference |
83 | Stoner, John | agreement |
204 | Stout, Esther | reference |
151 | Stricker, George | reference |
36 | Stripe, Jacob | indenture |
8 | Swan, John | reference |
553 | Swearingon, Samuel | bond |
218 | Swearingon, Samuel | indenture |
138 | Swinehart, Gabriel & Esther | indenture |
169 | Swinehart, Peter & Mary | indenture |
58 | Switzer, John | indenture |
59 | Switzer, John | bill of sale |
174 | Swope, Benedict | reference |
214 | Swope, Benedict | indenture |
100 | Tabel, John | indenture |
196 | Talbott, Benjamin | articles of agreement |
141 | Taney, Joseph | determine land boundary |
174 | Tauney, Frederick | indenture |
161 | Taylor, Thomas & Colab | indenture |
64 | Templing, Samuel | indenture |
205 | Tertzbach, George | reference |
202 | Tertzbach, Peter | indenture |
197 | Tertzbach, Peter | indenture |
205 | Tertzbach, Peter & Margaret | indenture |
162 | Tetur, Jacob | indenture |
154 | Thomas, Philip | indenture |
136 | Thomas, William | indenture |
137 | Thomas, William | indenture |
57 | Thompson, James Brooke & William & Mary Hen | indenture |
81 | Thompson, John | indenture |
76 | Tomlinson, Jesse | indenture |
169 | Troutman, Michael | indenture |
170 | Troxsel, John | indenture |
171 | Troxsel, John | indenture |
212 | Uhl, Michael & Mary | indenture |
173 | Upstead, Nicholas | reference |
151 | Vanmetre, John | reference |
69 | Waggoner, John | bill of sale |
537 | Waggoner, John | bond |
135 | Walters, Peter | indenture |
99 | Warner, Peter | indenture |
178 | Warner, Peter | indenture |
139 | Watson, Patrick | reference |
21 | Web, John | indenture |
552 | Weller, John | indenture |
219 | Weller, John Jr. & Magdalene & Jacob | indenture |
537 | Wells, James | bond |
210 | Wells, Joseph | indenture |
167 | Wells, Joseph & Margaret | deed of gift |
215 | Wheatley, Cassandia | bill of sale for slave |
157 | Whipp, Joseph | bill of sale |
25 | Whitehair, George | reference |
122 | Whiteneck, Elizabeth | indenture |
65 | Whitmore, John | indenture |
548 | Wilds, George | indenture |
549 | Wilds, George | indenture |
41 | Wilson, Mary | reference |
44 | Wilson, Mary & James & Thomas | indenture |
40 | Wilson, Michael | reference |
37 | Wilson, Thomas | indenture |
38 | Wilson, Thomas & Elizabeth | indenture |
39 | Wilson, Thomas & Elizabeth | indenture |
40 | Wilson, Thomas & Elizabeth | indenture |
43 | Wilson, Thomas & Elizabeth & Mary | indenture |
72 | Wilson, Thomas & James | indenture |
42 | Wilson, Thomas & Joseph & Elizabeth | indenture |
41 | Wilson, Thomas & Michael & Elizabeth | indenture |
177 | Winchester, William Sr. | reference |
9 | Winholtz, Frederick | reference |
74 | Winter, George | indenture |
160 | Winters, Eve | indenture |
77 | Wirns, Jacob | indenture |
83 | Wolfe, Peter | agreement |
177 | Woner, Peter Sr. | indenture |
46 | Wood, Colo. Joseph | plan of Woodsberry Town |
127 | Wood, Colo. Joseph | determine land boundary |
195 | Wood, Joseph | reference |
526 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
527 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
63 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
71 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
120 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
131 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
192 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
193 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
207 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
220 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
221 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
222 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
223 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
524 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
525 | Wood, Joseph & Ann | indenture |
60 | Wood, Robert | indenture |
185 | Wood, William | indenture |
22 | Wrench, Robert | indenture |
120 | Yandiss, Daniel | indenture |
98 | Yeast, George & Elizabeth | indenture |
166 | Yingling, John | indenture |
183 | Young, Jeane | indenture |
93 | Young, John | deed of gift |
26 | Young, John | indenture |
34 | Young, John | reference |
88 | Young, John | indenture |
94 | Young, John | deed of gift |
106 | Young, John | plan of Liberty Town |
143 | Young, John | indenture |
188 | Young, John | indenture |
539 | Young, John | indenture |
540 | Young, John | indenture |
116 | Young, Joshua & Orphay | indenture |
112 | Young, Lodowick | indenture |
181 | Young, Philip | indenture |
529 | Youtsey, John & Julianna | indenture |
101 | Zacharias, Daniel & Jacob & Elizabeth | indenture |
82 | Zealer, Henry | indenture |
553 | Zimmerman, George | bond |